| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1132-99
Review the location of steam relief valve vent stacks to ensure that the
condensing vapor does not cause ice to form on nearby equipment,
walkways, or roads.
Consider local area frost penetration when designing underground piping.
Piping at Pumps . Piping configurations at pumps require special considerations
to ensure the safe and effective operation of the pump.
Proper piping layout permits both the suction and the discharge pipes to
be supported independently of the pump so that little load is transmitted
to the pump casing.
Reductions in pipe size at the pump should be made with an eccentric
reducer flat side up.
Startup strainers necessary near pumps should have adequate space for
Expansion Joints . Metallic or rubber bellows-type expansion joints should be
used in the design of piping systems in the following instances:
to absorb the thermally induced dimensional changes in the piping
to minimize the stresses and moments in the system;
to minimize the loads imposed on equipment nozzles;
to reduce the recurring problem of rotating equipment misalignment due
to nozzle loads, particularly at pumps;
where space is inadequate for a conventional flexible piping arrangement;
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