| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1132-99
primary confinement-- established by the cladding or the storage
container (e.g., canning);
secondary confinement-- established by compartments with their
ventilation systems; and
tertiary or final confinement-- established by the building structure and its
ventilation system.
Exhaust ventilation systems are provided with HEPA filtration to minimize the
release of plutonium and other hazardous material through the exhaust path. In
addition, inlet ventilation to the secondary confinement systems should be
provided with either HEPA filtration or fail-safe backflow prevention to minimize
the release of plutonium and other hazardous materials through the inlet path.
primary confinement during normal operation and anticipated operational
occurrences, and for accidents. Cladding or storage containers should provide
corrosion-resistant confinement for fuel assemblies and to prevent an
uncontrolled release of radioactive material. Special design features should be
considered to provide safe introduction, removal, and handling of stored
plutonium. These handling systems and equipment should be designed to
protect against the dropping of storage containers, fuel assemblies, and other
items onto the stored plutonium.
Secondary Confinement System. Compartments and their ventilation systems
comprise the secondary confinement system. Secondary confinement barriers
should have positive seals to prevent the migration of contamination. The use
of positive seals should be considered for penetration of enclosures within the
facility building to provide proper ventilation flow paths and to prevent the
migration of contamination within the facility. Ductwork penetrations with fire
dampers need clearance between the structure and the damper sleeve. Boots
may be needed.
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