| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1132-99
these specifications address the chemical composition, radionuclide inventory,
product consistency, phase stability, and hazardous waste. Additionally, the
specifications provide requirements for the high-level waste Canisters and
Canistered Waste Form.
The behavior of the target composition in the melter and its compatibility with
the technology addresses the issues of foaming, melt rate, precipitation of
metals, viscosity, mixing behavior, temperature, and corrosiveness. Because
these issues relate to melter technology, they represent the practical aspects
of preparing an acceptable glass in compliance with regulations, given the
Development of the process for manufacturing the final waste glass product
involves generating data associated with the behavior of the various feed
streams. Data required to develop predictive models can aid in product and
production control. Data for models include pH, viscosity, rheology, off-gas,
and redox.
Typically, the development program should follow a strategy of--
identifying various sets or families of potential glass target compositions
that meet regulatory specifications;
identifying and further developing a subset of glass target compositions
that will be compatible and processable through a melter;
choosing a preferred or reference composition on which front-end
process development and control schemes are developed.
The strategy uses a combination of laboratory crucible testing, small melter
scale-up, and full-process scale-up to obtain data and develop empirical
relationships necessary for predicting process behavior and glass product
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