| DOE-HDBK-1132-99
These surprises can manifest themselves in
liquids found in a " rained"system,
explosive gases found in drained systems,
various concentrations or mixtures of the expected chemical actually
crystals of evaporated chemicals rather than the liquids or vice versa, and
salt cake or sludge-oozing liquids even after significant drying or
solidification steps are undertaken.
The level of planning and control of the operation should take hazard level and
exposure scenarios into account prior to the start of work. Any planning should
always provide built-in contingency for the surprise that will occur during the
decommissioning project.
established within any nuclear operations organization and those same
principles of ALARA should be applied to the decommissioning work. The
difference is that more unknowns should be expected, more scheduling options
may be available to remove a source term, and the opportunities to spread
contamination is greater during decontamination and piping system removal
than during facility operations. In general, control techniques such as those
listed below should be considered for decommissioning work:
Removing a high-dose contributor earlier rather than shielding is
Inhalation issues should be controlled as close to the source as possible.
Engineering controls take precedence over protective clothing, and both
methods are better than administrative controls.
Exposure controls are needed until the waste leaves the site.
Use of the same control mechanism for chemical and radiological
exposure should be investigated and used whenever possible.
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