| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1132-99
A site diversion system for surface water runoff during operation of the
facility. (This system should not be required following site permanent
Temporary protective covers (e.g., a tarpaulin) before the completion of
the natural in-place soil barrier over the low-level waste.
Revegetation of the overburden layer.
Other suitable and reliable means for minimizing water contact with low-
level waste.
an RSWF confinement system. The actual confinement system requirements
for a specific RSWF should be determined on a case-by-case basis.
In general, the primary confinement should be the radioactive solid waste
process system equipment and associated off-gas or vent systems during
the treatment stage of processing. In special cases, such as RSWF
where the processes or storage include corrosive or noxious materials,
the radioactive solid waste process or storage system should be totally
enclosed and provided with its own ventilation system and off-gas
cleanup system. In such cases, the radioactive solid waste process or
storage system should be treated as the primary confinement system.
Depending on the waste being processed and stored, the primary
confinement and secondary confinement should consist of a site-specific
engineered system of barriers (e.g., drums, liners, concrete casks).
Secondary confinement for radioactive solid waste during treatment
should consist of a process cell or building and its ventilation system;
secondary confinement for radioactive solid waste during interim storage
should be provided by a storage building or structure.
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