| DOE-HDBK-1132-99
Minimizing the diversity, and therefore the cost, of such architectural
elements as doors, windows, and finish materials. As much as possible,
use identical elements throughout.
Reasonable uniformity in the arrangement and orientation of duplicate or
similar components and systems to facilitate maintenance.
For facilities built to handle or store Category I and II Special Nuclear Material,
security provisions should be considered early during the design phase because
physical delay designed and built into the facility may affect layout.
Space Allotment . The following should be considered regarding space
To facilitate component removal:
identify a plan for penetration or openings for component removal and
methods to be used for component removal and replacement;
maintain open space (vertical/horizontal) for removal and
identify provisions for rigging and handling components;
provide lifting and/or trolley beams where necessary to avoid "erry-
Minimize auxiliary space allotments consistent with operational efficiency.
Consider the hazards of radioactive and nonradioactive materials stored
(e.g., radiation and criticality of nuclear materials), fire fighting
capabilities, and contamination control in determining the location of
storage areas or vaults.
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