| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1132-99
Pulsation dampers should be used on all pulsating services, such as
reciprocating pumps and compressors or other applications where severe
service from pulsating pressure is anticipated.
Diaphragm seals should be provided where
corrosive material is being measured and suitable element
material is not available;
material with a freezing temperature higher than the minimum
ambient temperature is being measured; and
material contains solid matter that could plug the instrument.
Gauges should not be installed adjacent to sources of heat that could
potentially raise their temperature to above 200 EF.
Gauges on gas and vapor services should be installed above the process
tap. If it is necessary to install gauges on gas or vapor services below the
process tap, they may need to be heat traced and insulated to prevent
A pair of differential pressure sensing lines may need an equalizing valve
to prevent over-pressurization of the instrument and a drain valve on one
Temperature Instruments . Temperature instruments should be installed in a
thermowell to allow removal without process disturbance. Adequate space
should be provided to allow removal of thermocouples, resistance temperature
detectors, thermal bulbs, or indicators.
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