| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1132-99
Cautionary systems (e.g., visible or audible alarms or other warning systems) or
interlocks should be considered to prevent inadvertent entry into hazardous
areas. Safety alarm systems should annunciate inside and outside the UEUSF
to identify hazardous areas to anyone present in either area. The need for visual
alarm devices within the facility, in addition to audible alarm devices, should be
Storage racks should be noncombustible and designed to hold storage
containers securely in place, ensure proper separation of storage containers,
and maintain structural integrity under normal operations, anticipated operational
occurrences, and accident conditions.
Door locations should be coordinated with aisles to facilitate access to stored
material, for loading and unloading of material, for use of fire fighting equipment,
and for compliance with NFC NFPA 101.
Airborne radioactive wastes associated with UEUSFs that should be considered
during the design include but are not limited to the airborne releases associated
with the venting of storage containers. Cladding or canning failure during dry
storage is also a source of such wastes.
Introduction . A UPHF is a facility that receives feed material from sources such
as a conversion facility, a reprocessing facility, or fuel/target storage material. A
UPHF processes, handles, and produces products such as UO 2, UF6, uranium
metal, reactor fuel assemblies, target assemblies, and nuclear weapons
This section is not process-specific. It is applicable to facilities that handle and
process uranium; however, it is principally directed at facilities that process and
handle uranium enriched in
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