| DOE-HDBK-1139/2-2002
What is the regulatory status of the legacy chemicals in the facility? Has the regulatory status of the
legacy chemicals as hazardous waste been appropriately determined?
Has pollution prevention (substitution with a non-hazardous material or reduction in quantity used)
been considered, when applicable, as a way to prevent or mitigate chemical hazards?
Are adequate and appropriate controls for chemical hazards identified through the hazard analysis?
Are adequate controls identified for all chemical hazards? Are engineered controls preferred over
administrative controls? Are administrative controls preferred over personal protective equipment?
Are passive controls preferred over active controls?
Are hazard assessments essential to emergency response established and maintained?
Criterion 2
Procedures and/or mechanisms for the acquisition, storage, use, and disposal of chemicals contain clear
roles and responsibilities. Chemical management is effectively integrated with line support managers to
ensure that line managers are responsible for chemical management.
Lines of Inquiry
Are the responsibilities of line management for chemical safety and chemical management clearly
defined, documented, and understood?
Are the roles and responsibilities of support staff and other personnel associated with the facility's
chemical management program/system clearly defined, documented, and understood? Have the
primary and secondary points of contacts been identified?
Are the roles and responsibilities of personnel providing chemical safety expertise and support
properly integrated with the line management's responsibilities relative to operations?
Who is responsible for controlling the hazards arising from chemical storage and use in the
workplace? How are they held accountable?
What processes are in place to ensure adequate input by ES&H and other appropriate professionals in
the designation of controls for chemical hazards, and in how they are implemented?
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