| DOE-HDBK-1139/2-2002
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Chemical Management Program
1.0 Introduction and Scope
The UT-Battelle - Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Worker Safety and Health Management
System has been established to assist line management in ensuring a safe and healthy workplace is
provided to all employees, visitors, vendors, and subcontractors of the Laboratory. ORNL has adopted the
Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) as the overarching philosophy and approach to
systematically integrate safety into management tools and work processes. This document applies to all
areas where hazardous chemicals as defined in 29 CFR 1910.1200, Hazard Communication, are stored,
used, handled, received, distributed, and transported.
2.0 Chemical Life-cycle Program
An enhanced Chemical Safety Management Program (CSM) has been developed. It is a systems-based
management approach designed to integrate and manage the life-cycle of chemicals including chemical
acquisition, use, storage, and disposition. Requirements for the safe acquisition, use, storage, and
disposition of chemicals are included in ORNL's Work Smart Standards and are implemented in the
Standards Based Management System (SBMS) Chemical Safety Subject Area. The Operational Safety
Services Division is the managing entity for CSM at ORNL with the Health and Safety Services Section
as the sponsoring organization responsible for program implementation. This document will be updated
as additional elements of the ORNL CSM Program are implemented.
2.1 Hazard Identification and Analysis
ORNL requires all work- or job-related activities to be evaluated for safety and health hazards through
implementation of the Work Control Subject Area under the Work/Project Planning and Control
management system which includes activities for routine, non-routine, and new work. The Work Control
process for research and development is accomplished using the Research Hazard Analysis and Control
System (RHACS). Identification and control of hazards is a line management responsibility and is shared
between supervision and the employees performing the work with technical resources available through
the Health and Safety, Fire Protection Engineering, Environmental Protection, Laboratory Waste
Services, and Training disciplines. Hazard analysis also includes possible reactions from incompatible
chemicals, possible interaction of chemicals with the building structure materials, containment vessels,
and the general environment; other chemicals including those used or stored nearby; and effects over time
of these potential reactions. Lessons Learned are also considered in the Work Control process.
2.2 Acquisition
Hazardous chemicals are routinely procured through the Systems, Applications, and Products (SAP)
system through AVIDplus and by credit card through Logistical Services. Hazardous chemical purchases
by personal credit card or petty cash are allowed only in emergency situations. A Hazardous Material
Information System (HMIS)/procurement interface ensures that an up-to-date MSDS, Superfund
Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) information, and the location (Control Area) where the
material will be used or stored are provided at the time of the purchase request.
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