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inventory, the Precious Metals inventory, and others. Guidance on regulatory reports is provided to site
organizations by the Environmental Protection Department, which reviews the compiled data and submits
a formal report to the appropriate regulatory agencies.
2.4 Transportation
Chemical shipments arrive at the Central Receiving Facility, where shipping manifests are reviewed and
processed. SRS transportation personnel deliver all chemicals, other than bulk process chemicals, to the
end user directly or through a nearby Material Access Center (MAC). Bulk process chemicals are
delivered to the process area facilities by the vendor after the shipping manifests have been processed at
the Central Receiving Facility.
Following a graded approach, general guidelines are used to manage the interim handling of chemicals
during the transition period from the initial point of receipt to the final delivery point because these
chemicals are not being used, but just handled and transported. Chemical compatibility is still a
consideration even when handling, storing, and transporting chemicals on a short-term basis. The WSRC
Transportation Safety Manual addresses the requirements for onsite and offsite transportation of
chemicals. DOT regulations apply whenever a chemical travels on or across a road with public access, or
is shipped offsite.
Onsite movement of newly procured chemicals from Central Receiving Facility to the area MAC and to
the end user facility is performed by SRS transportation personnel. Movement of excess chemicals
between site facilities and the Excess Chemical Warehouse is coordinated through the Site Hazardous
Material Transportation Representatives to assure compliance with DOT-Hazardous Material
Transportation Regulation (49 CFR 172-174) requirements.
2.5 Storage
When chemicals reached the end-user facility, a determination is made as to their immediate use or
storage requirements, including the designation of physical storage locations. Consistent with a graded
approach, the storage requirements for chemicals awaiting shipment to another facility or location are less
stringent than those for chemicals stored in a given location for a longer period. There is a greater
potential for exposure to chemicals during use than during storage. Therefore, the handling requirements
would be more stringent during use than in storage. Regardless, safe segregation based on chemical
compatibility is an overriding consideration in all situations.
Site-level and facility-specific procedures, MSDSs, and standard chemical references provide the
necessary guidance for proper long-term storage and handling of chemicals. The staff of CCMC,
Savannah River Technology Center, Industrial Hygiene Department, and Fire Protection Engineering can
be reached by the chemical coordinators for consultation on any storage and handling issues.
The onsite warehousing of newly arrived chemicals includes the Central Receiving Facility and MACs.
The Central Receiving Facility is used for temporary storage of stock items, bulk orders, and material that
will not be consumed soon after delivery. This facility is designed and staffed to store large amounts of
material. MACs are small warehouses, which are conveniently located near the facilities to reduce
procurement times and increase customer satisfaction. The MACs are designed to accept, store, and issue
materials that are quick turnaround items.
2.6 Control of Chemical Hazards
SRS eliminates or mitigates identified hazards through engineered and/or administrative controls. These
are incorporated into the design and are specified in facility operating procedures and facility-specific

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