| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1139/3-2003
40CFR61.156, (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants) "Cross-reference to
Other Asbestos Regulations".
40CFR63, "National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Categories".
40CFR68, "Chemical Accident Prevention Provisions".
40CFR82, "Protection of Stratospheric Ozone".
40CFR260-282, "The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976".
40CFR261, "Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste".
40CFR273, "Standards for Universal Waste Management".
40CFR302.4, "Listing of Hazardous Substances for the National Oil and Hazardous Substances
Pollution Contingency Plan".
40CFR355, "Emergency Planning and Notification".
40CFR370, "Hazardous Chemical Reporting: Community Right-To-Know".
40CFR761, "Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Manufacturing, Processing, Distribution in
Commerce, and Use Prohibitions".
40CFR763, "Asbestos".
48CFR970, "DOE Management and Operating Contracts".
40CFR68, "Chemical Accident Prevention Provisions".
40CFR1500-1508, "Chapter V-Council on Environmental Quality".
41CFR101, "Federal Property Management Regulations" (Parts 101-1 to 101-99); in particular,
Subpart H (Parts 42 to 99).
41CFR101-26.602, "Federal Property Management Regulations - Procurement Sources and
41CFR101-27.2, "Management of Shelf-Life Materials".
41CFR102, "Federal Management Regulation" (Parts 102-1 to 102-220); in particular, 41CFR102-
36, "Disposition of Excess Personal Property" [NOTE: This Part is cross-referenced by 41CFR101-
43, "Utilization of Personal Property", which is no longer in print], and 41CFR102-37, "Donation
of Surplus Personal Property" [NOTE: This Part is cross-referenced by 41CFR101-44,"Donation
of Personal Property", which is no longer in print].
41CFR109, "Department of Energy Property Management Regulations"; in particular, Subpart H
(Parts 42 to 50).
48CFR, "Federal Acquisition Regulations".
48CFR, "Department of Energy Acquisition Regulations System": (Chapters 1 and 9).
48CFR970, "DOE Management and Operating Contracts".
49CFR171-180, (Subchapter C), "Hazardous Materials Regulations".
49CFR171-179, "Hazardous Materials Transportation".
[49 FR 11945, Mar. 28, 1984, as amended at 49 FR 38950, Oct. 2, 1984].
[49 FR 11945, Mar. 28, 1984, as amended at 59 FR 9105, Feb. 25, 1994].
[54 FR 27646, June 30, 1989, as amended at 59 FR 9105, Feb. 25, 1994].
[62 FR 2312, Jan. 16, 1997].
42 USC 6901 6992(k), "The Solid Waste Disposal Act of Oct. 21, 1976".
42 USC 13101 13109, "The Pollution Prevention Act of 1990".
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