| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1139/3-2003
organizations that are involved in the utilization and disposition of chemicals and chemical products.
It does not cover requirements related to chemical storage (refer to Chapter 5 of this document),
transportation (refer to Chapter 4 of this document), or waste operations, including the identification,
storage, handling, transportation, and disposal of waste.
[NOTE: Throughout this document, the term "chemicals" is used to indicate chemicals and/or
chemical products. For purposes of this document, the terms, "personal property" and "property",
as used in the property management regulations, mean chemicals and/or chemical products, unless
otherwise specified.]
This chapter addresses the disposition of chemicals belonging to any of the following categories
under DOE-PMR, FPMR or FMR, namely, high risk (personal) property (see definition), hazardous
property (see definition), hazardous materials (see definition), extremely hazardous materials (see
definition), dangerous property (see definition), and certain categories of property that require
special handling (see definition). Nuclear materials and radiological materials are excluded from the
scope of this chapter.
Among the ten categories of high risk personal property, only excess chemicals identified as
hazardous property, export controlled property (see definition), and proliferation-sensitive property
(see definition) are within the scope of this chapter.
The DOE-PMR (41CFR109) implements and supplements the FPMR (41CFR101) issued by the
General Services Administration (GSA) and will supercede the FPMR in the event of a deviation
affecting the DOE's personal property management program. The FPMR and DOE-PMR apply to all
direct operations and to designated contractors. The DOE-PMR does not apply to facilities and
activities conducted under Executive Order 12344, "Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program" (February 1,
1982) and Public Law 98-525, "Department of Energy National Security and Military Applications of
Nuclear Energy Authorization Act of 1985".
The FMR (41CFR102) is the successor regulation to the FPMR and it applies to executive agencies
such as DOE, unless otherwise extended to Federal agencies in specific parts of the CFR.
The requirements included in this chapter come from sources that have different safety purposes. As
a result, some of these requirements may not always be applicable to the work being performed at an
individual site or facility. It is the responsibility of each user to determine the applicability of specific
requirements to their work and how they are implemented. The reference sources for the
requirements included in this chapter can be used to determine the applicability of those requirements
to the work being performed.
3.0 Definitions and Acronyms
See Glossary.
4.0 Requirements for Chemical Disposition
Consolidated Requirements
4.1 Disposition of Excess (or Surplus) Chemicals
[NOTE: Prescribed disposition options, in a descending order of
implementation, may include reutilization within the DOE complex,
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