| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1139/3-2003
Consolidated Requirements All construction materials in a chemical storage area
shall be compatible with those chemicals being
stored. Special care shall be taken to prevent the
contamination of chemicals in storage. When flammable and combustible liquids are stored
in segregated warehouses (see definition) with
oxidizers, they shall be separated from those
oxidizers by a distance of 25 ft. with dikes, drains, or
sloping floors present to prevent the flammable
liquids from encroaching on the separation.
4.1.8 Chemicals that might become hazardous upon prolonged storage
shall be dated when first opened and evaluated for safety every 6
NFPA 45, 10.3.2
months thereafter. Chemicals that are found to be unsafe and cannot be
made safe shall be disposed of safely and in
compliance with applicable requirements.
4.1.9 Indoor chemical storage areas shall have either natural or
CGA G-1, 4.2.2;
mechanical ventilation designed to provide a minimum of six air
CGA G-1, 4.2.6;
exchanges per hour and shall discharge the air a minimum of 50
ft. from any air intakes for air handling systems, air compressors,
CGA P-1,;
[EXCEPTION: Under NFPA 30, 4.3 and NFPA 45, 7-2.3.6 this
NFPA 45,
requirement does not apply to flammable liquid storage
NFPA 51, 2.2.2;
NFPA 51, 2.3.2;
NFPA 55, 6.17;
(iv) A manual shutoff shall be provided outside the toxic
NFPA 55, 3.-1.3.b;
gas (see definition) and flammable/combustible
liquids storage areas adjacent to the entry door and
shall be labeled "Ventilation System Emergency
NFPA 55, 6.17.9
any room or building.
intend to direct which compatibility scheme should be used. Each site or facility must determine for itself which
compatibility scheme they will use to implement this requirement.
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