| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1139/3-2003
Consolidated Requirements
Requirements for Laboratory Use of Chemicals
A chemical hygiene plan shall be prepared for laboratory
operations that includes safe operating procedures, hazard
control measures, operability requirements for protective
equipment, provisions for employee training and medical
consultations, designation of individuals responsible for
implementing the plan, and provisions for employee
protection against extremely hazardous substances. Extremely hazardous substances (see definition)
include "select carcinogens," reproductive toxins,
and substances with a degree of acute toxicity.
Provisions, where appropriate, shall include:
Establishment of a designated area
Use of containment devices
Procedures for safe removal of contaminated
Decontamination procedures
Fire Hazard Classification Laboratory units shall be
NFPA 45,
classified Class A (High Fire Hazard), Class B (Moderate
fire Hazard), Class C (Low fire Hazard), or Class D
(Minimal Fire Hazard), according to the quantities of
flammable and combustible liquids present in the lab
(outside of the storage area) as specified in Table 2.2.1(a)
and Table 2.2.1(b) in NFPA 45. For the purposes of determining laboratory fire hazard
NFPA 45,
classification and the use of tables 2.2.1(a) and (b),,
quantities of liquefied flammable gases shall be
treated as if they were Class I flammable liquids (see
definition); that is, 4L (1.1gal) of liquefied flammable
gas is to be considered equivalent to 4L (1.1 gal) of
Class I flammable liquid.
4.3.3 All laboratory units shall be provided with fire protection
NFPA 45, 4.1-4.6
appropriate to the fire hazard, including: automatic fire
extinguishing systems, standpipe and hose systems,
portable fire extinguishers, fire alarm systems, fire
prevention programs, and emergency plans.
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