| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1139/3-2003
Consolidated Requirements
4.1.1 the Hazardous Materials Regulations (see definition) that
cover, but are not limited to, such subjects as: shipper's
responsibilities, shipping papers, packaging, handling,
labeling of material containers, marking packages place
carding and emergency response information, OR
4.1.2 the site- or facility-specific Document , from the cognizant
DOE O 460.1A, 4.b;
Operations or Field Office, that describes the methodology
DOE O 460.1B [NOTE: This
and compliance process to meet equivalent safety for any
order, issued on 4/4/2003,
deviation from the Hazardous Materials Regulations.
cancels the DOE O 460.1A] For multiple-tenant DOE sites, safety documents for
DOE O 460.1A, 4.b;
several contractor organizations may be combined
DOE O 460.1B [NOTE: This
into a single document.
order, issued on 4/4/2003,
cancels the DOE O 460.1A] DOE-operated sites (specifically, Morgantown and
DOE O 460.1A, 4.b;
Pittsburgh Energy Technology Centers) may approve
DOE O 460.1B [NOTE: This
their own Transportation Safety Documents.
order, issued on 4/4/2003,
cancels the DOE O 460.1A] Approved Transportation Safety Documents shall be
DOE O 460.1A, 4.b;
in effect no later than 1 year from incorporation of
DOE O 460.1B [NOTE: This
DOE O 460.1A or DOE O 460.1B into the
order, issued on 4/4/2003,
contractor's contracts.
cancels the DOE O 460.1A]
Specific materials
4.2.1 Compressed Gas Cylinders
29CFR1910.101(b) The in-plant handling of all compressed gases in
cylinders, portable tanks, rail cars, or motor vehicle
cargo tanks shall be in accordance with the CGA
(see definition) P-1. All portable cylinders used for the shipment of
compressed gases shall be constructed and
maintained in accordance with the regulations of
the U.S. Department of Transportation, 49CFR171-
179. Compressed gas cylinders shall be legibly marked,
ANSI Z49.1;
for the purpose of identifying the gas content, with
either the chemical or the trade name of the gas.
Such marking shall be by means of stenciling,
stamping, or labeling, and shall not be readily
removable. Whenever practical, the marking shall
be located on the shoulder of the cylinder.
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