| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
The Identification Team (IT) will need to establish its own protocols for reaching consensus on
the set of standards. If at any point, they are unable to reach consensus on any issue, they may
bring this issue for resolution to the Convened Group.
Convened Group
Larry Coulson, Process Leader
Ray Stefanski, FNAL
Dave Goodwin, DOE-ER, High Energy Physics
Andy Mravca, DOE-BAO
Attachment A: Department of Energy's Necessary & Sufficient Closure Process
Attachment B: Fermilab Protocol Confirmation of the Draft Set
Attachment C: Convened Group Protocol Confirmation of the Draft Set
Fermilab Standards Closure Process
Attachment B
Fermilab Protocol
Confirmation of the Draft Set
* When the Identification Team releases a draft of the N&S Set of Standards, a copy will be sent
to URA, ESHPAC members, and division/section heads. Instruction will go to division/section
heads to orchestrate a review with appropriate personnel within their organizations and prepare
written comments to go with their ESHPAC representative to an ESHPAC meeting in about 3
days. Backup information, such as the issue forms, will be provided on a server.
* At an ESHPAC meeting the draft set and division/section comments will be discussed. N&S
Identification Team Focus Group leaders will be present to provide explanations and help resolve
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