| ![]() D. Documentation of Process
1) The agreed-upon description of
A. Protocols shall establish documentation requirements for
the work and hazards provides
definition of work, hazards, and performance expectations and
clear, concise expansion of the
objectives. [M-II.4.c.(1)]
contract Statement of Work at a
B. Documentation shall describe how the contractor will establish,
level of detail suitable for
document and implement safety commitments. [D-(d)]
correlation with the proposed
C. Documentation shall describe how performance objectives,
performance measures, and commitments respond to DOE
program and budget execution guidance. [D-(d)]
2) The Agreement Parties approve a
A. Agreement Parties jointly designate individuals and
BBC.1, MG.2
charter for the application that
organizations to be part of Process Management and confirm
addresses performance
their ownership and sponsorship of the Process application.
expectations and qualifications of
Process leadership and Convened
B. The degree of formality and the extent of documentation is
Group membership.
proportional to that appropriate for establishing contract-level
requirements. [M-II.4.b]
C. Clear and unambiguous lines of authority and responsibility for
ensuring ES&H are established and maintained. [D-(b),(2)]
3) Evolution of definition of work and
A. The Convened Group establishes criteria for approval of the
HAZ.1, HAZ.2
hazards as adequate to support
identified standards. [M-Def.4]
standards identification is
B. The Convened Group endorses the initial definition of the work
generally traceable in the work
and hazards and refinements to that definition as the Process
records of the Convened Group
proceeds. [M-II.2.c.(2).(c)]
and subordinate teams.
C. Administrative and engineering controls to prevent or mitigate
hazards are tailored to the work being performed and
associated hazards. [D-(b),(6)]
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