Provide a basis for assessment, to be applied late in the course of standards identification, that the record of N&S Closure
Process application supports a judgement by the Convened Group that the proposed Work Smart Standards set is ready to enter
the Confirmation process element. Such a judgment is based upon two related but distinct components of readiness, information
about adequacy for protection and information about feasibility for implementation of the proposed set.
Consistent with the Safety Management System Policy, (DOE P450.4), the N&S Closure Process (DOE M450.3-1) is being
applied to develop an adequate and feasible set of new or amended contract standards, as required under DEAR provisions
970.5204-2, Integration of environment safety, and health into work planning and execution, and 5204-78 Laws, regulations and
DOE directives.
1. Identification of agreed upon standards is intended to satisfy the DOE procurement regulatory requirement in DEAR 970.5204-
2. Standards are the expressed expectations for the performance of work; as described in the Criteria for the Department Standards
Program (DOE/EH-0416), work is standards-based when planned, performed, and appropriately documented as meeting agreed
upon standards for protection.
3. Standards identified in conformance with the N&S Closure Process Manual, DOE M450.3-1, are termed Work Smart Standards.
4. When effectively implemented, the expectations expressed in an adequate and feasible set of Work Smart Standards will provide
for standards-based work that will satisfy the Integrated Safety Management (ISM) performance outcomes called for in DEAR
5. Increased effectiveness in Doing Work Safely is the institutional performance objective that DOE and the contractor expect from
development of the set of Work Smart Standards: this represents commitment to safety performance that exceeds minimum
compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
6. The N&S Closure Process manual is a performance standards that incorporates the five Core Functions of ISM into the work of
standards identification; implementation proceeds by means of an inherently iterative process for definition and description of the
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