| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
requirements will, equally clearly, be greater than that required to insert boilerplate, one-
site-fits-all requirements. However, this added effort in defining necessary and sufficient
sets of contract requirements and a focus on work planning involving necessary and
sufficient work controls will save the enormous effort that used to be devoted to stove-
piped implementation plans and assessments of compliance with inappropriate
requirements which added little to the level of protection.
How can the Confirmation team approach its responsibility to determine whether the
proposed Work Smart Standards set is "feasible"?
The confirmation test that the Work Smart Standards set is "feasible" is a process
safeguard against adopting standards that those responsible for implementation might
not reasonably be expected to achieve. Feasibility focus is not on the ability of the
standards to guide performance (i.e. "adequacy"), but rather on a potential future failure
to achieve standards-based and safe work. Such failures could occur if management
systems and processes are not capable of delivering work based on the WSS set or if
resources are not sufficient to design and perform the work consistent with the WSS set.
The N&S Closure Process requires the Identification and Confirmation Teams to assess
both the adequacy and feasibility of the standards set. The agreed upon definition of the
work and the institutional implementing assumptions about how that work will be carried
out are first developed as a description of initial conditions by the Convened Group
during Process Element 1: Defining the Work and Hazards. The requirements for
describing both work objectives and a relationship of those work objectives to some
organized system for the delivery of that work are equally important to the ultimate utility
of the WSS set. By starting with the Convened Group's core of guidance, the
Identification Team is reasonably expected to further refine the definition of work,
hazards and controls in a way that integrates implementability and technical sufficiency
to provide for adequate protection.
In the N&S Closure Process Element 4: Identifying the Necessary and Sufficient Set of
Standards, relevant knowledge of the work and the available mechanisms of
performance are brought to bear to achieve an adequate and feasible WSS set. The
requirement that the Identification Team confirm and document implementing
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