| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
assigned to that system; and what evidence upon which the expectation of competence
was established, the Confirmation Team might have a relatively simple task of
confirming feasibility. Conversely, to the extent that the work is radically different, the
organization for implementation non-existent or immature in its capabilities, or that some
proposed standards are more challenging to meet than prior performance levels
achieved by the management system, the Confirmation Team may need to dig deeply
into the credibility of the implementation assumptions made by the Convened Group and
the Identification Team.
In order to prevent the Confirmation Team from exceeding the process-intended scope
of the WSS set feasibility determination, confirmation protocols might stress that the
burden of proof for feasibility is ultimately and necessarily on the earlier steps in the
Process. There is a recognition in the Process that the Confirmation Team is dependent
to some significant degree upon the knowledge, relevant experience and collective work
of both the Convened Group and the Identification Team. By selecting a Confirmation
Team membership with equal or stronger credentials, there is an expectation that such a
group can draw upon both the tangible and intangible parts of its own collective
experience to more or less rapidly determine if the proposed WSS set is feasible. If the
Confirmation Team is inclined to conclude that it needs to do a separate assessment of
implementing organization capability, this inclination is best viewed as a failure on the
part of the Convened Group and the Identification Team to make clear how they
concluded the set was feasible and the set should be returned to those groups for
further work. In this sense the Confirmation Team's role is analogous to that of judge
and jury in a trial, it is the prosecutor's job to develop both the facts (i.e. standards for
adequate protection), and the case for the conclusions it suggest be drawn from the
facts (i.e. that the standards can reasonably be implemented.)
What is the significance of the finding that the N&S Closure Process has been correctly
implemented; that is applied with "fidelity"? How can fidelity confirmation to be
Process fidelity verification relates to the confidence that others who were not directly
involved in standards identification, ought to have in the results of the Process. The
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