| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
What lessons were learned at LLNL from following the N&S Process?
Lessons learned from the LLNL N&S Process application are summarized below, and
are also reflected in the body of the N&S Handbook.
The N&S Process should include all ES&H aspects of the performance and
management of work. Work activities are performed within the total programmatic and
safety environment of the institution. Selection of safety standards is best done based
on the hazards associated with the work and an understanding of the management
philosophy and processes. Also, standards for the management of safe work are often
critical first line elements for creating a safe work environment and should be considered
in selecting a complete WSS set.
Since the N&S Process is an integral part of ISM, the activities should be initiated at the
same time. ISM and the N&S Process have a synergistic relationship. Standards
identification is a key step in the ISM work functions. Similarly, having a strong
foundation in the principles and functions of ISM will allow the N&S Closure Process to
proceed more efficiently and provide a context for the selection of both technical and
management standards.
Complete documentation supporting justification of adequacy of proposed standards
should be provided to the Confirmation Team. The N&S Process identifies various types
of documentation and the responsible party as a normal part of the Process. A complete
and integrated set of documents describing and documenting the Process is necessary
before confirmation to permit the Confirmation Team to understand and evaluate the
Process. This information should be provided to the Confirmation Team 3-5 weeks
before their site visit to allow adequate time for review.
Confirmation Team members should make a separate visit to tour facilities and become
familiar with the site. The Confirmation Team needs to have adequate information,
understanding and first hand experience of typical work environments and their safety
systems. A separate visit allows sufficient dedicated time for site familiarization and a
helpful background for review of documentation prior to the confirmation visit.
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