| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
Linking controls of the WSS set to the controls exercised through the Orders.
In some cases, DOE Orders may not be appropriate for specific work and hazards; or,
other standards, such as commercial standards, may more closely correspond to the
work and hazards environment. Similarly, the work force may be more familiar with
working to consensus standards.
In ensuring that the appropriate safety topics are addressed in a WSS set, it may be
beneficial to provide a mapping of the coverage of the safety topics by a WSS set and by
the DOE Safety Orders.
Are there any ES&H Orders that must be included in the WSS set identified by the
Closure Process?
As the responsible federal agency, the Department of Energy has the authority, unless
prohibited by law, to require of its contractors the inclusion of specific conditions
(requirements) within DOE contracts. In accordance with normal contracting practices,
such inclusion is subject to negotiation between the DOE and the contractor. The
contents of the set are governed by the actual work and hazards in the contract
statement of work and the hazards associated with that actual work. The elements of a
WSS set are mandatory if:
They include applicable Federal, state, and local laws and regulations, or
The WSS set, or portions of it, become contract requirements by inclusion within
a DOE contract.
By agreeing to the application of the N&S Closure Process, the DOE has strongly
indicated that it intends to accept the WSS set resulting from the faithful application of
the N&S Closure Process.
Is the N&S approach the same as the "graded approach?"
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