| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
Identifying the Set of Work Smart Standards
Process Leader
Identification Team
Technical & Operational Experts
(Section 11.3)
(Section 11.4)
(Section 11.5)
Identify add'l info needed to define
Provide additional
the work
information needed to
define the work
Evaluate relevant sources of
existing standards
Identify set of WSS including those
legally required and others
necessary for adequate protection.
Ensure set is feasible to
Request additional
Provide input and assistance
Ensure Process protocols are
input/assistance if needed
as requested
followed; assist in coordination.
Reach consensus on and justify
the WSS set
Identify implementation
Identify laws/regulations not
necessary for adequate protection,
as candidates for possible
exemption requests
the WSS set;
justification for the set's
implementation assumptions and
interfaces; &
justifications for exemptions from
Maintain process
legal requirements, if applicable
If unable to identify a necessary &
sufficient set, recommend
Review & consult with
revisions to work definition and/or
Convened Group
development of new standards
Identifying the Set
A Work Smart set of standards is the principal product of a successful N&S Process application.
A WSS set includes all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations as well as other
standards that are necessary and sufficient to provide adequate protection for workers, the
public, and the environment. The set must also be feasible for implementation, meaning that it
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