| DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
Management (MG)
MG.1 The ISMS Description is consistent and responsive to DOE Policies 450.4, 450.5,
and 450.6; the DEAR; and the direction to the contractor from the Approval Authority.
The contractor policies and procedures ensure that the ISMS Description is maintained,
implemented, and that implementation mechanisms result in integrated safety
MG.2 Contractor roles and responsibilities are clearly defined to ensure satisfactory
safety, accountability and authority. Line management is responsible for safety.
Competence is commensurate with responsibilities.
MG.3 Feedback information on the effectiveness of the ISMS is gathered, opportunities
for improvement are identified and implemented, line and independent oversight is
conducted, and if necessary, regulatory enforcement actions occur.
MG.4 Contractor procedures provide a method to ensure that controls are implemented
during preparation for the initiation of work at each leve3l. The procedures ensure that
adequate controls are identified to mitigate the identified hazards and the controls are
effectively implemented. Contractor procedures provide assurance that controls will
remain in effect so long as the hazards are present.
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