| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
Approval of Standards Set:
The Standards Set will be considered approved when it has been agreed to and signed by the
following parties in the order listed:
Responsible Organization - Fred Bernthal, President, Universities Research Association, Inc.
Resource Authority - John O'Fallon, Director, High Energy Physics Division, Office of Energy
Customer Organization - Andy Mravca, Manager, DOE Batavia Area Office
Instructions to the Identification Team (IT):
The Convened Group will issue a charter letter to the IT outlining its expectations for their
conduct of this pilot process.
Scope of Standards Set:
The Necessary and Sufficient Set of Standards will focus on standards in the area of
Environment, Safety and Health (ESH). This is defined as any functional area that is addressed
in DOE's Guidance Manual for the ESH Management Plan (dated October, 1994). Any decision
to include areas beyond ESH will be made by agreement of the Convened Group and included in
the final instructions to the Identification Team (IT).
Documentation of Standards Set:
The specific format and level of detail with which the standards set will be documented will be
decided by the Identification Team (IT). The Convened Group expects that this document will
include, at a minimum, a listing of the standards and a summary discussion sufficient to
communicate an understanding of the relationship between the FNAL's work, its associated
hazards and the standards selected.
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