| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
Confirmation Team Co-Chairs should visit the site several weeks before confirmation,
review the schedule and documentation and develop a strategy to follow during the
Confirmation Team visit. For a large N&S Process the Confirmation Team Co-Chairs
should visit the site and become familiar with the documentation, review the schedule for
presentations and tours and meet with key staff. These interactions will permit the Co-
Chairs to develop an effective and efficient strategy for the full team s visit.
The Change Control Process for the WSS set and ISM implementation should be
integrated and an organization identified to administratively manage the set. The WSS
set is an integral part of the ISM process and any changes to the set need to be
implemented in a timely manner. By having a combined Change Control Board, the
selection and revision of standards will be fully integrated with their implementation to
assure the maintenance of an adequate safety system at LLNL.
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