| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
discussion pertinent to Stakeholder involvement in a Process application at the Savannah River
Site is included as Appendix B.
Role of the Convened Group
A fully engaged Convened Group will significantly reduce the time needed to define the work
and identify the hazards. Throughout the Process the Convened Group acts in a leadership
role and closely interacts with assigned task teams to:
Define the work;
Identify the hazards;
Identify performance objectives and expectations to be satisfied by the WSS set;
Identify resource constraints; and
Ensure that the implementation of the resulting WSS set is feasible.
Should the Convened Group fail to come to a consensus on any one of these tasks or fails to
communicate its consensus clearly, the Process will not proceed efficiently and there will be a
continuous need to provide revised guidance. When the Convened Group "begins with an end
in mind," one that is focused first on the work performance objectives, the Convened Group
helps the Identification and Confirmation Teams to converge on a tailored set of standards. A
tailored WSS set contributes directly to accomplishment of doing work safely.
To provide a framework for the formal structure to the Process, the Convened Group will
establish protocols and documentation requirements. These are developed and presented for
approval by the Process Leader. While the Convened Group is responsible for deciding on
subjects to be addressed by protocols (based on complexity and uncertainty), the following is a
typical list of items for which a protocol should be developed or a specific decision should be
reserved to the Convened Group:
identification of the Approval Authorities,
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