| DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
Are there unions involved who need to be contacted?
Will the work to be done have an impact on the public as well as workers?
Are there citizen's groups that need to be notified?
How will Stakeholders and Interested Parties be notified?
Role of the Convened Group
As discussed above, the Convened Group should provide any necessary direction to the
Process Leader to ensure that the scope of work and the identification of hazards are well
understood. This scope may be broader than originally conceived. Just as ISM encompasses
all aspects of safety management, the N&S Process should include all ES&H aspects of the
performance and management of work. The Convened Group should carefully review any data
and information assembled by the Process Leader to ensure that it is complete. To do a
credible job may require additional Technical Experts to assist the Convened Group. This
review also provides an opportunity for the Convened Group to determine if any of the identified
hazards can be reduced or eliminated by the use of alternative material or methods. At the end
of this assignment, the Convened Group should be able to endorse the initial definition of the
work, hazards, and performance expectations as compiled by the Process Leader.
The Convened Group must decide what interfaces will be established with Stakeholders and
Interested Parties. After establishing the need for the interface, there will be a need to establish
how the information can best be provided to them. The goal of this step should be to achieve
Stakeholders' and Interested Parties' support for the Process and to solicit their input. Input
received should be provided to the Process Leader for consideration in developing the definition
of work, hazards, and performance expectations.
Stakeholder and Interested Parties Involvement
Stakeholders and Interested Parties who have indicated that they want to participate should be
provided ample opportunity to do so. The effective involvement of Stakeholders and Interested
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