| DOE-HDBK-1163-2003
Hazard Analysis
Thresholds for
Integration with Other
HA Requirements
Identify fire hazards (e.g., energy
DOE O 420.1,
Fire Hazards Analysis.
FHA Document
DOE O 420.1 requires that
Required for all nuclear
Facility Safety
Identify the potential for
conclusions of the FHA be
facilities, significant new
sources, building construction,
fire loss (life, monetary
facilities and facilities
integrated into the safety
(Note: Requires a fire
and mission) and justify
that present unique or
analysis. This practice should
Postulate possible fire accident
hazards analysis, natural
the appropriate fire
significant fire safety
also apply to chemical operations
phenomena assessment,
protection programs and
within the scope of DOE O 420.1
Estimate potential consequences
and a criticality safety
systems to meet the
(e.g., maximum credible and possible
DOE fire protection
fire loss) and assess adequacy of
goals established in
DOE Order 420.1.
FOCUS: Public, Onsite
Provide recommendations related to
Population, and
any deficiencies
Worker Safety
Conduct NPH site investigation using
Natural Phenomena
Applied on a graded
NPH Document
NPH assessment results must be
Assessment. Ensure that
approach depending on
integrated into safety analysis
NPH impacts on facility
facility and system,
and evaluated as an accident
Conduct Probabilistic Seismic Hazard
safety are assessed and
structure or component
Analysis (PSHA) to produce a
adequately controlled
Performance Category
seismic hazard curve to be used in
(see DOE -STD-1021-
selecting the design basis earthquake
(DBE) for PC-3 and PC-4 SSCs.
Choose DBE and analyze SSC
response and necessary controls
Perform nuclear criticality safety
Criticality Safety
Applies when a facility
CSE Document
Integration is only at issue with
Program Evaluation.
has fissionable nuclides
nuclear safety analysis activities
evaluations for normal and abnormal
Document the
of concern as addressed
credible accident conditions
parameters, limits, and
in Table 4.3-1 of DOE
controls needed to
prevent inadvertent
nuclear criticality
Activity Hazards
Analyze designs for new facilities
None. Applies to all
Oriented primarily at the task or
DOE O 440.1A,
Ensure that workplace
DOE and contractor
activity level. Facility-level
Worker Protection
hazards and risk of
and modifications to existing ones,
activities, where present
analysis such as process hazard
associated worker injury
Health and Safety Plan
operations and procedures, and
within management and
analysis or nuclear safety
or illness are adequately
equipment, product and services.
Work Permits
operating contracts
analysis should be used a major
FOCUS: Worker Safety
Assess worker exposure to chemical,
Chemical Hygiene Plan
input to worker hazard analysis
physical, biological, or ergonomic
HA for substance
activities. Conversely, worker
specific standards, i.e.,
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