| DOE-HDBK-1163-2003
Collection and Integration of Hazards Information
The OSHA PSM Rule requires that up-to-date chemical process safety information be collected
and maintained before conducting a PrHA. Likewise, nuclear safety information and process
knowledge is required to support safety analysis activities. The approach used to collect hazards
information should be inclusive of all hazard types to support a balanced evaluation of hazards
and necessary controls.
An integrated approach to information collection is a requirement for commercial nuclear
operations subject to 10 CFR 70. This requires that process safety information be collected to
support an integrated safety analysis and should be inclusive of information pertaining to the
hazards of the materials used or produced in the process, information pertaining to the technology
of the process, and information pertaining to the equipment in the process. Although not a
requirement for DOE operations, this approach provides a good model that is also consistent with
OSHA PSM requirements and DOE nuclear safety requirements.
Hazardous Material Data
Information about hazardous substances used in a process must be comprehensive enough for an
accurate assessment of fire and explosion characteristics, reactivity hazards, criticality hazards,
corrosion or other adverse effects on process equipment and various safety and health hazards.
Information should include, as appropriate: (1) toxicity information; (2) permissible exposure
limits; (3) physical data such as boiling point, freezing point, liquid/vapor densities, vapor
pressure, flash point, auto ignition temperature, flammability limits (LFL and UFL), solubility,
appearance, and odor; (4) reactivity data, including potential for ignition or explosion; (5)
corrosivity data, including effects on metals, building materials, and organic tissues; (6) identified
incompatibilities and dangerous contaminants; (7) thermal data (heat of reaction, heat of
combustion); and (8) quantities, locations and forms of both hazardous and radioactive materials.
Where applicable, process chemistry information should also be included about potential runaway
reactions, overpressure hazards, and hazards arising from the inadvertent mixing of incompatible
chemicals. Sources of these data should be indicated (e.g., MSDS)
Process Technology Data
Where facility processing of radiological or hazardous chemicals is conducted, process
information should be collected and should include at least: (1) block flow diagrams; (2) process
chemistry (including mixtures and intermediates); (3) established criteria for maximum inventory
levels for process chemicals or radioactive materials; (4) process limits that, when exceeded, are
considered an upset condition; and (5) qualitative estimates of the consequences of deviations that
could occur if established process limits are exceeded.
Facility Process Equipment Information
Facility and process equipment information should include at least: (1) materials of construction;
(2) piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs); (3) electrical classification; (4) relief system
design and design basis; (5) ventilation system design; (6) design codes and standards; (7)
material and energy balances for processes; (8) safety systems; (9) major energy sources; and (10)
interfaces with other facilities.
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