| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1163-2003
So why is it so often that -- in terms of fire hazards -- when one compares the safety analysis
documentation to the fire hazard analysis for the same facility; we often find dissimilar analyses,
different mitigation methods, and inconsistencies in the area of fire-related hazards? Perhaps the
answer is that the DOE objectives of the two are similar in some ways but different in other ways.
Are the analytical techniques, which are acceptable for the safety hazard analysis, not acceptable
for the fire hazard analysis? Could it be that the fire protection engineer just doesn't understand
the safety analyst or vice versa? DOE and its contractors possess a variety of processes for
analyzing fire hazards at a facility, activity, and job. The outcome and assumptions of these
processes have not always been consistent for similar types of hazards within the safety analysis
and the fire hazard analysis.
Perhaps the root cause lies in the fact that we have yet to embrace the challenge to integrate and
institutionalize work planning in the development of these two documents4. While the safety
analysis and the fire hazard analysis are driven by different DOE Orders and requirements, these
analyses should not be entirely independent and their preparation should be integrated to ensure
consistency of assumptions, consequences, design considerations, and other controls.
Under the DOE policy to implement an integrated safety management system, identification of
hazards must be evaluated and agreed upon to ensure that the environment, the public, and the
workers are protected from adverse consequences.5 The DOE program and contractor
management need a uniform, up-to-date reference with which to plan, budget, and manage
nuclear programs. It is crucial that the DOE understands the hazards and risks necessary to
authorize the work, which needs to be performed. If integrated safety management is not
incorporated into the preparation of the safety analysis and the fire hazard analysis,
inconsistencies between assumptions, consequences, design considerations, and controls may
occur that affect safety. Furthermore, confusion created by inconsistencies may occur in the DOE
process to grant authorization of the work.
The Department of Energy is committed to conducting work efficiently and in a manner that
ensures protection of the environment, the public, and its workers. Hazards and safety functions
of both the safety and fire hazard analyses documentation should be consistent so that there is no
confusion to both contractor and DOE operations and management.
Take the integrated safety management system challenge and utilize integrated safety
management in the preparation of the safety analysis and the fire hazard analysis.
Overview of one methodology to integrate safety management into safety and fire
hazard analysis documentation
In accordance with the integrated safety management system approach for having a uniform and
consistent process, a process has been suggested by the U.S. Department of Energy at Richland
and the Project Hanford Procedures for any case when fire hazard analyses and safety analyses
are required.6 This process provides for a common basis approach to develop both fire hazard
analyses and the safety analyses. This process permits the preparers of both documents to jointly
participate in the development of the hazard analysis process.
The process assists in ensuring that the accident analyses for fire and explosion events are
consistent in both the fire hazard analysis and facility safety documentation. In accordance with
the Integrated Safety Management System approach for having "similar and consistent processes
for dealing with different types of hazards" the following process is utilized to ensure
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