| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1200-97
1.1 Purpose
This guide to good practices provides information and guidance on the types of and
development of learning objectives in a systematic approach to training (SAT) program.
Contractors are encouraged to consider this guidance as a reference when developing new
learning objectives or refining existing ones. Training managers, designers, developers, and
instructors are the intended audiences.
1.2 Definition
A learning objective is defined as "a statement that specifies measurable behavior that a
trainee should exhibit after instruction." Properly prepared learning objectives consist of the
following parts:
A statement of behavior (action) the trainee must exhibit
The conditions under which the action will take place
The standards of satisfactory performance
1.3 Discussion
The development of effective training materials is dependent on the development of learning
objectives which adhere to a strict set of criteria. Learning objectives are developed from
analysis information obtained during the design phase of the systematic approach to training
(SAT) process. It is important that objectives are developed and approved early since they
form the foundation for the development of test items and all other training material.
Because objectives serve as the design basis of performance-based training programs, they
should clearly describe the trainee's desired performance to preclude misinterpretation.
Some of the benefits of using learning objectives are:
Standards of performance are presented in a trainee-accessible way
Criteria for evaluation are defined
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