| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1201-97
Opinion Questions - These questions ask for an individual's opinion about
something. They are used to gather information concerning people's
goals, intentions, desires, or values. This type of question can cause
analysis problems because it usually requires agreement or disagreement
on the part of the evaluator.
Knowledge Questions - These questions are used to determine the factual
information an individual knows. Facts are not opinions, feelings, or
actions but are considered knowledge or truths. Knowledge questions can
elicit facts from recollection or can verify facts with a true/false answer.
This type of question should be used in conjunction with the other types
to prevent the impression that this questionnaire is a test.
Write the questions. The questions should be clearly focused to aid the
respondents in determining the information that is desired. Clear cues should be
provided to help accomplish this. The questions should be formatted to be
consistent with the type of information sought.
The following examples can be used to collect evaluation data for program development, on-
the-job training (OJT), and simulator training.
Example 6, Trainee Feedback Evaluation
Example 7, End-of-Course Training Evaluation
Example 8, Training Program Evaluation
Appendix B contains examples of each type of evaluation instrument listed above.
2.3 Checklist Format
A checklist format can be used to assess a product to determine whether the actions or
results meet predetermined standards. A checklist might be used to determine if job
performance was satisfactory after training or if an instructional session was conducted
The following guidance can be helpful when constructing a checklist evaluation instrument:
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