| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1201-97
Show a sincere interest in the interviewee and his/her job.
Do not try to tell the interviewee how to do the job. The interviewee is the job
expert. Your job is to collect information about how that person is doing on the
job and how well training prepared him/her for it. Try to talk to the interviewees
in their own language. Total ignorance of job-related terminology and jargon
suggests a lack of interest on the part of the interviewer.
Remember that the evaluation process is not a blame-placing activity. You must
repeatedly communicate to the trainee that you are only there to get information
to evaluate and improve the quality of training at your facility.
The main task of the interviewer is to determine how well the trainee is doing
on the job and how well training prepared him/her for the job.
Use a preplanned list of questions to get honest, pertinent answers relating to
how the trainee's skills are being utilized, how well he/she was trained, etc.
Keep the interview focused on the collection of pertinent data.
Accurately record answers to the questions.
2.5 Observation
Direct task observation may be most effective when collecting trainee performance data
three to six months after training has taken place. Task observation may be time-
consuming, and its effectiveness depends on when the task is performed and the expertise
of the observer. A checklist should be prepared and used for observations.
The purpose of a training evaluation also influences the type of instrument used, the training
setting observed, and when the evaluation is performed. If the goal of the evaluation is to
determine training effectiveness in terms of trainee performance on the job, then an
interview survey instrument or an observation instrument would be appropriate. Both
instruments should address trainee performance of the task or training program objective
level. The evaluation should be conducted during the scheduled application of the newly-
learned skills and knowledge and on a schedule based on the frequency of application
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