| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1201-97
Training evaluation instruments can take a variety of forms. Regardless of the material,
process, or program being evaluated, general principles should be followed to construct an
evaluation instrument. Common formats for many evaluation instruments include
checklists, numerical rating scales, questionnaires, interviews, and direct observation.
In the discussion that follows, guidance for developing evaluation instruments is presented
and examples of evaluation instruments are provided. The examples provided do not
encompass all training activities, and they should be revised to reflect individual training and
facility organizational needs.
2.1 Numerical Rating Scale Format
A numerical rating scale can be used to evaluate a trainee's performance on many tasks,
group interactions, or instructor performance, or to collect feedback from facility
management on trainee performance. The use of this format helps to control the
subjectivity of the evaluator and provides better feedback than a simple pass/fail or
satisfactory/unsatisfactory format. The numerical rating scale chosen should be adequately
anchored at all times to keep the results as objective as possible. Numerical scales can be
used to collect post-training feedback from trainees and supervisors and to conduct
instructional setting evaluations.
The following guidance can be helpful when constructing numerical rating scales:
Select the processes and/or products to be evaluated
Determine the response scale
Define the points on the scale
The rating scale chosen should then be used consistently across the site to promote
objectivity during evaluations.
The following examples can be used to collect evaluation data on instructor performance,
supervisor post-training feedback, and trainee post-training feedback.
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