| DOE-HDBK-1203-97
Instruction should provide technical staff trainees with the requisite knowledge of nuclear
physics principles to explain the following:
Criticality control
Nuclear cross sections
Fission process and chain reaction
Prompt and delayed neutrons
Reactivity coefficients
Reactivity control methods
Poison effects
Power distribution and peaking factors
Fuel cycles
Fuel management
Instruction should provide technical staff trainees with the requisite reactivity control and fuel
behavior (reactor facilities only) knowledge and skills to perform the following:
Describe the effects of the following on control rod worth:
axial position of the rod in the core
radial position of the rod in the core
relative rod position
boron concentration
moderator temperature
core exposure
fuel temperature
void concentration
local thermal neutron flux
Describe the effect of operating the control- and power-shaping rods both
inside and outside specified control bands for varying facility conditions
Describe the core parameters that affect the following coefficients and
evaluate how changes in these coefficients affect facility operations:
moderator temperature coefficient
Doppler coefficient
power Doppler coefficient
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