| DOE-HDBK-1203-97
Instruction should provide technical staff trainees with the requisite knowledge of nuclear
facility chemistry to explain the following:
Types of corrosion and methods of corrosion control
Basics of radiochemistry
Terms such as conductivity, dissolved solids, dissolved oxygen, silica,
chlorides, and fluorides
Principles of ion exchange and water treatment
Chemical effects of boron
Chemistry limits and their bases
Potential chemical contaminants from maintenance activities
Chemistry indications of a degraded core/process
Process chemistry
Conversion of uranyl nitrate to uranium hexafluoride
Fluorine generation and disposal
Properties of uranium hexafluoride
Reduction of uranium trioxide to uranium dioxide
Plutonium purification by ion exchange
Ion exchange equipment
Purposes and uses of fluidized beds in fuel processing
Purposes and uses of extraction systems and denitrators.
Instruction should provide technical staff trainees with the requisite knowledge of materials
sciences to explain the following:
Facility materials selection and applications
bases for material selection
limitations of materials used
applications of materials
Brittle fracture
characteristics of brittle fracture
minimum pressurization temperature
nil ductility transition temperature
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