| DOE-HDBK-1203-97
process controls
material science
Facility systems and components
Facility operations
Facility simulator training (as appropriate)
DOE Orders and directives
Codes and standards overview
Quality assurance and quality control practices
Facility document system
Facility policies and practices regarding planning and scheduling activities
Material, maintenance, and modification control
As-Low-As-Reasonably-Achievable (ALARA) practices
Radioactive waste reduction program
Nuclear criticality control.
4.2 Staff Assignment Training
Following completion of the first module, initial training, and prior to entering the
facility-specific training program, technical staff personnel new to nuclear facilities should be
assigned to the department for which they were hired. This period generally should be
devoted to on-the-job training with emphasis placed on familiarizing the individual with job
responsibilities. Guidelines should be provided to ensure that key elements of the job are
addressed during this training phase.
Additionally, it is recommended that the individual be temporarily assigned to work with other
departments (such as shift assignments with maintenance and operations) to develop some
knowledge of overall facility operation and interdepartmental relationships. Productive work
assignments should be tasks for which the individual is qualified.
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