| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1204-97
Multiple-choice test items require trainees to select the best answer from a series of
choices. This series of choices can use calculations, descriptions, arguments, estimates,
sketches, etc. They are useful for testing knowledge, comprehension, and application of
knowledge and theory. Since the answer is provided, the subjective aspect of scoring is
eliminated. Furthermore, scoring can be conducted by mechanical means. If the stem is
properly developed, multiple-choice test items can effectively test higher-level, cognitive
abilities, such as, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. The latter abilities are difficult to
measure directly through any type of written test item; however, the essay-format of test
item is preferred for this application.
The multiple-choice test item is the best choice where there are numerous test items
covering a category of topics, and the objectivity of scoring is the most important
consideration. For instance, an examination that determines the trainee's selection for the
job position. The multiple-choice test item can be used to test a greater variety of learning
objectives and does not require the trainee to write out and elaborate their answers,
minimizing the opportunity for less knowledgeable trainees to bluff or dress up their
Multiple-choice test items should not be used when:
The test item calls for a numerical answer, as in computational problems
Writing the answer does not take any longer than using an answer sheet or
marking the answer to the multiple-choice test item.
The development of multiple-choice test items from learning objectives involves three steps:
Create the stem of the test item by forming a question of an incomplete
sentence that implies a question
Write the correct answer to the stem in as few words as possible
Write distractors that are plausible to trainees lacking the degree of knowledge
you want the test item to assess.
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