| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1204-97
Short-answer items require the trainee to write a response in contrast to selecting from
among a set of alternative responses. A short-answer item may be presented in such a way
as to give the trainee freedom to express ideas or it may restrict a response to a given
content area or answer format. This test item format is useful in testing knowledge,
comprehension, and simple application. This format is more objective than essay-format
test items; however, it is not free from subjectivity in scoring. The "guess-factor" is reduced
from that of a multiple-choice test item because the chance of successfully guessing the
answer is less. Because of varying trainee responses, the person grading the test item
needs a definitive answer key and an understanding of the subject matter.
There are three common styles of short-answer test items: completion, fill-in-the-blank, and
list/diagram completion. In each case, the trainee must supply the correct answer. Because
the developer of a short-answer test item often has clear ideas about expected answers, it is
essential that model answers, acceptable alternatives, and associated grading criteria be
written at the same time as the test item.
Examples of short-answer test items are:
How many protons and electrons does the element hydrogen contain?
In a pressurized water reactor, fuel pellets of
are clad in
; the primary
coolant is
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