| DOE-HDBK-1205-97
The pilot should have two evaluators monitor the performance of a single individual. This
should be a simultaneous but independent evaluation. If the scores (sat/unsat) are different
for any of the steps, a reliability problem exists. When conducting the pilot the evaluators
should look for problems or deficiencies such as:
Questions asked by the trainee
Equipment requirements
The ability of the trainee to perform the task
Unclear directions to the trainee
Unusual conditions or problems beyond your control that affect the outcome of
the test
The effectiveness of the scoring method used
Time considerations.
Approve the Performance Test
After the performance test has been piloted, reviewed, and corrected from feedback, it
should be approved. The test package should be signed and dated by both facility and
training representatives. Appendix D is an example of a review checklist for a performance
5.2 Test Administration
Test administration has an important effect on the usefulness of test results and requires
control. The instructor should ensure that a suitable environment is established, clear test
directions are given, and proper supervision is present for the entire test.
Establish Environment
Effective testing requires that the physical qualities of the test environment and setting that
the trainee performs within are satisfactory. High noise levels, poor lighting, lack of
ventilation, excessive heat or cold, adverse safety conditions, and frequent interruptions will
lower trainee test performance. Prior to the performance test, the instructor should ensure
that the conditions of the test location are adequate.
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