| DOE-HDBK-1205-97
Causes or could cause a serious injury or hazard
Results in incomplete task performance
Violates security
Results in an out-of-tolerance condition or measurement which prevents the
equipment from meeting facility procedures or specifications
Violates a standard maintenance procedure such as improper use of test
equipment or hand tools, etc. (this does not include performing procedure steps
out of sequence)
Causes excessive delays attributable to insufficient job knowledge or improper
planning although the task was successfully performed
Results in delay(s) due to unnecessary troubleshooting, removal or replacement
of components or rejection of serviceable equipment.
There are some task steps that must be performed in the proper sequence. These should be
identified on the checklist for the instructor and the trainee. These steps can be marked with
an "S" to indicate they must be performed in sequence.
Determine Conditions and Standards
After testing limitations and element designations have been determined, identify the
conditions and standards needed for task performance. Ideally, the test developer should
duplicate the cues, conditions, and standards of the actual task; however, some compromise
may be necessary. For tasks with multiple conditions and branching decisions, multiple
performance tests may have to be developed.
Conditions are prerequisite requirements that exist for successful task performance.
Conditions define facility conditions and include information and resources available to the
trainee during task performance. If limitations prevent using all conditions identified in the
TES, a sample should be used that best assesses the ability of the trainee to perform the
task under actual conditions. Task conditions may require modification if the task cannot be
performed under actual conditions. For instance, conditions could include high radiation
areas and other environmental concerns.
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