| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1205-97
keep the test responses ordered from simple to complex, the following order of test items is
Multiple choice items
Matching items
Short answer items
Essay questions.
When a diagram, drawing, or block of information is used with a test item or items, place it
above or below the test question if possible. If it is too large to go on the same page as the
test item, it should be attached as the next page in the test so the trainee does not have to
search for it. The test item should state the location of the diagram, drawing, etc., if not on
the same page. Avoid splitting a test item's material between two pages, but if one is split,
present all of the item alternatives on the same page. Keep matching items together on the
same page.
Consideration should be given to placing only one question per test page. This minimizes
the administrative burden on the trainee, improves test clarity, and reduces the chances of
the trainee inadvertently failing to answer a question.
4.5 Written Test Administration
Test administration has an important effect on the usefulness of test results and requires
control. The instructor should ensure that a suitable environment is established, consistent
and clear test directions are given, and proper supervision is present for the entire test.
Establish Environment
Effective testing environments require attention to the physical qualities of the test setting
and to the trainees' emotional climate. High noise levels, poor lighting, lack of ventilation,
excessive heat or cold, and frequent interruptions will lower trainee test performance. The
instructor should optimize, to the extent possible, the conditions for testing. This may be as
simple as scheduling testing in the morning if the classroom becomes too hot in the
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