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setting for tasks that fall in this category.) There is also a chance that a trainee
may damage equipment in the process of learning how to operate it.
The ultimate success of any training program requires a strong commitment to training by both
line organization management and training management. The concurrence of these
organizations regarding goals and content of an OJT program is essential for effective training.
Training review/steering groups have been an important link in this process at several facilities.
However, the facility's line organization has the ultimate responsibility for the proper training of
their personnel.
Accurate records that document the actions and decisions made during each OJT program's
construction and revision should be maintained to serve as the audit trail. The critical portion
of an audit trail is not necessarily the decisions themselves, but the rationale that led to making
them. These records should be maintained on an ongoing basis.
This section of the guide briefly addresses each phase of the systematic approach to training
(SAT) process. Where appropriate, specific guidance for OJT and OJT programs is presented.
The table-top processes for analysis, design, and development described in the DOE
Handbook entitled Alternative Systematic Approaches to Training should be reviewed for
applicability when developing or modifying OJT programs. These processes can normally
produce equivalent results more efficiently than the more traditional methods that have been
used. The DOE Training Program Handbook: A Systematic Approach to Training contains
detailed information regarding all phases of a systematic approach to training and should be
referenced for specific details.
Training requirements can be identified by performing needs analysis, job analysis, and/or task
analysis. Analyses form the basis for determining training needs, developing and maintaining
valid task lists, and selecting tasks that must be trained on. To facilitate tracking and revisions
of training materials on the basis of facility or procedural changes, task lists are entered into
systems such as task-to-training matrices. Correctly done, these analyses provide assurance
that training is appropriate for the expected performance and identify requirements that serve
as the basis for the design and development of OJT programs.
Design phase activities include writing of terminal objectives, selection of appropriate training
settings, and development of training/evaluation standards (TES) for each task selected for
training. It is during the development of the TES that the bulk of the tasks are further
analyzed, enabling objectives are written, and decisions are made regarding how training will
be conducted and evaluated. OJT may be conducted using general instructions and task-
specific evaluation materials for low-hazard potential facilities or tasks.
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