| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1206-98
The conclusion includes the following elements:
Additional motivation
Documentation of Training.
Instructor Selection and Training
The credibility of a training program (and OJT programs in particular) depends on the quality of
the instructors. OJT instructors should be qualified to deliver on-the-job training and/or
conduct performance tests. The selection of OJT instructors is the responsibility of each
facility's line and training management; however, first-line supervisor and senior job
incumbents are the recommended first choices for OJT instructors. OJT instructors should be
trained and qualified in accordance with the guidance in the DOE Guide to Good Practices for
Training and Qualification of Instructors.
Several factors should be considered when selecting OJT instructors. OJT instructors should
be technically competent. They should have the skills necessary to train and evaluate
assigned trainees. Additional factors to be considered when selecting OJT instructors include
recognition of responsibilities, professionalism, maturity, judgment, integrity, safety awareness,
communication skills, personal standards of performance, and a commitment to quality.
The options normally available for selecting OJT instructors are the first-line supervisors and
senior job incumbents or an instructor from the training organization. The supervisors and
senior job incumbents are usually SMEs who supervise or perform the job. As such, they have
first-hand knowledge of the job. An instructor from training may well be an expert on training
but will typically not be as knowledgeable or proficient in the specifics of the job as an SME. It
is usually better to train the supervisor or senior incumbent to be an effective instructor than to
train the instructor to be a job expert. When OJT is conducted and evaluated using facility
equipment, the instructor must be qualified to perform the task.
OJT instructors should receive instructor training in advance to allow sufficient time to develop
instructor competency prior to working with trainees. When instructors have not yet attained
the required instructional qualifications or only instruct occasionally, training quality may be
maintained through mock training exercises and appropriate supervision and assistance.
All OJT instructors should be given the opportunity to enhance their technical competency and
instructional skills. Continuing training that is based on periodic instructor performance
evaluations should be provided to all qualified instructors. Instructor evaluations should
include direct observation by training and operations supervision during training sessions, and
should address technical competency, instructor skills, and overall effectiveness in facilitating
the trainee's achievement of the learning objectives. Both announced and unannounced
evaluations are appropriate.
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