| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
The process of ISMS verifications will involve technical and management assessments at
each specific site, facility, or activity. The verifications will be conducted by safety and
management professionals, who are experienced, knowledgeable, and trained in the ISMS
verification process. The results of the ISMS verification process are used by the
Approval Authority as a means to determine the state and status of the ISMS for the given
site, facility, or activity. The Approval Authority will normally require that a report be
written to document the results of the verification process. It is essential that any report of
the ISMS verification be written factually and accurately, and it should clearly describe
ISMS strengths and weaknesses so that improvements, if required, can be identified and
This writer's guide is intended to assist ISMS verification teams in documenting their
activities and findings. ISMS verification team members should understand that the final
outcome of their efforts will be their contribution to the ISMS report. The ISMS Team
Leader should establish report requirements to the team members early in the review
process. Team members should begin preparation of the ISMS verification assessment
forms as soon as information is gathered. Team Leader preparation of the final report
should begin as soon as the Team Leader determines that sufficient information has been
developed to identify issues and concerns. As new information is developed, it should be
entered into the report draft. If the process is to proceed in an optimum manner, by the
time the schedule actually reflects "write the report," the report should be relatively mature
and should only need some final pieces of information to complete it. This will permit
sufficient time to ensure the report is effectively written and accurate.
The ISMS verification report is normally used as the basis by which the Approval
Authority will determine whether the ISMS is satisfactory for the site, facility, or activity.
The report should be sufficiently detailed to allow a knowledgeable reader to understand
the verification process utilized. The report should contain a recommendation by the
ISMS verification team as to whether the ISMS meets the requirements of the DOE
policies, the DEAR, and the FRAM and the guidance of the Approval Authority for that
site, facility, or activity. The report process should have a provision for team members to
provide dissenting opinions or individual observations which may not reflect the views of
the team members.
The following is a suggested format for Volume I of the ISMS Verification Report and a
discussion of the material to be included in each section.
1. Title Page (Cover) - The cover and title page state the subject, and the date of the
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