| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
970 (DEAR) are met. A secondary purpose of the review is to evaluate the role of DOE in
support of the contractor' ISMS. For the most part, this is an administrative review of the ISMS
Description and a review of the line management processes that will be used to implement the
ISMS. However, to be successful, the Phase I review should not just be an administrative review
of the ISMS documentation but should also be a review of the procedures, policies, and manuals
of practice used to implement safety management. The team should seek an understanding of
how management integrates the documentation's processes to "perform work safely." It is
anticipated that the Approval Authority will require that a high hazard and high activity site,
facility, or activity will be required to undergo a more rigorous and in-depth ISMS review than
one of a lesser hazard. The CRADs detailed in Appendix 2 of this handbook are provided as a
template to assist in the preparation of a tailored review approach for the appropriate site,
facility, or activity. These approaches, developed by the Team Leader with assistance from the
team, should be included in the RP.
An important consideration in planning and conducting the review is to verify the adequacy of
the "integration" which the ISMS Description provides. Integration must be evident from the
DOE direction concerning programs and mission through the site or corporate level direction to
the intermediate level, the facility, and finally to the individual work or process action level. For
example, work at the activity level should be consistent with budget commitments and
agreements between DOE and the contractor. Similarly, work control hazard analysis procedures
at the worker level should be consistent with the corporate or site level descriptions. There
should also be integration across functional areas. Each functional area (criticality, environmental
protection, worker protection, etc.) must be integrated with other safety functions such that all
relevant safety functions are addressed.
The core functions of safety management should be addressed in a manner that is consistent with
the appropriate guiding principles. Take for example, line management responsibility for safety in
the core function of analyzing hazards. The roles and responsibilities ensuring that line
management responsibility for safety when analyzing hazards must be clearly defined. Similarly,
the other individual core functions should be integrated so that the decisions and information
from one function to an adjacent function is fully and consistently used. For example, the work
controls that are in place for a specific maintenance action must be consistent with the hazards
that were analyzed for that maintenance action. The ISMS Description must provide for this
integration and the Review Plan should require evaluation of the effectiveness of integration
6.3.4 ISMS Phase II Verification Specifics
The purpose of the Phase II review is to provide the Approval Authority with an assessment of
the status of the ISMS implementation for a given contractor site, facility, or activity. It is
essential that the Phase I review be completed prior to the Phase II review except in those case
where the Phase I and Phase II reviews are combined. The review methodology at this point
should concentrate on the implementation of documentation, that is the manuals of practice or
mechanisms used. Appendix 3 of this handbook contains a template of CRADs that can be used
to develop a tailored review approach for a specific site, facility, or activity. CRADs should
reflect the known conditions of the facility or activity as well as the work that is conducted. The
Review Plan should be designed to take advantage of past reviews and assessments.
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