| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
6. Purpose - A discussion of the purpose of the verification and the process of
tailoring the review.
7. Background - A general discussion of the site, facility, or activity and the state of
maturity of the safety management programs.
8. Scope - A discussion of the bounds of the verification if necessary.
9. Prerequisites - An assessment of meeting the Approval Authority' prerequisites.
10. ISMS Assessment Results - The Team Leader should establish the format in which
the assessment results are presented. Past ISMS Verification Reports have presented
results of the verification as they pertain to the Five Core Functions, Seven Guiding
Principles, or designated functional areas. A consistent approach should be specified
and maintained throughout the report.
a. For Phase I verifications, the report should discuss whether the ISMS
Description and manuals of practice adequately address the DEAR, the FRAM,
and the functions and principles of the DOE policies. It should document the
conclusion reached on the adequacy of the contractor's ISMS Description to
conform to the above guidelines as amplified or modified by the Approval
Authority. The report should include a final recommendation to the Approval
Authority regarding approval of the ISMS Description.
b. For Phase II verifications, the report should discuss the implementation of the
documents, procedures, and/or manuals of practice used in the approved ISMS
Description. The report should draw conclusions regarding the state of
implementation of this system by the contractor and DOE. The report should
include an overall conclusion regarding the adequacy of the implementation of
the ISMS at the subject site, facility, or activity.
c. Any deviations from the Review Plan should be discussed, along with the
reasons for the deviation(s), and what alternative actions were taken to
compensate, if required. The detailed documentation to support the
conclusions may be included in an appendix, which consists of the individual
check lists with the accompanying appraisal and issue forms.
d. The specific forms to assist in identifying ISMS issues and concerns and to
document the specific details of the verification are included at the end of this
appendix. The ISMS Verification Assessment Form (Form 1) is used to
document the methods and actions of the team members in conducting the
verification, and documenting the findings and observations identified.
11. Conclusions and Recommendations - An overview of the conclusions and
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