| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
MG.4 Contractor procedures provide a method to ensure that controls are implemented during
preparation for the initiation of work at each level. The procedures ensure that adequate controls
are identified to mitigate the identified hazards and the controls are effectively implemented.
Contractor procedures provide assurance that controls will remain in affect so long as the
hazards are present. (CE I-5, CE I-7, CE I-8)
NOTE: This objective will evaluate both the line management practices and mechanisms, as well
as the practices and mechanisms associated with the selected individual disciplines such as
maintenance, radiological controls, industrial safety, criticality safety, etc.
1. Contractor procedures for individual processes or maintenance actions ensure that
controls are implemented prior to commencing work and that these controls remain in affect
so long as the hazard is present.
2. Contractor procedures for individual disciplines ensure that individual processes or
maintenance actions include adequate controls associated with the individual discipline prior
to commencing work and that the controls remain in affect so long as the hazard is present.
3. Contractor procedures provide mechanisms or processes for gaining authorization to
conduct operations or perform work.
4. Contractor mechanisms for the control of work specify that line management is
responsible for safety.
5. Contractor personnel who plan, control, and conduct work are required to have
competence commensurate with the assigned responsibilities.
Record Review: Review contractor manuals of practice that define requirements to verify
controls are in place prior to performing work and that these controls remain in place as long
as the hazards are present. Review the processes for authorizing the commencement of work
to ensure that managers are responsible for safety. Review the contractor' training and
qualification process to ensure that personnel who plan, control, and conduct the work are
competent. Review procedures for selected disciplines to ensure consistency and adequacy.
Interviews: Interview line and support personnel responsible for implementation of
requirements to control work. Through interviews, assess their understanding, support, and
implementation of the control of work within the approved controls.
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